Monday, June 16, 2008

This is me having some sweet ice cream that I made. The ice cream was delicious, but mostly everybody's ice cream wasn't hard or frozen. I must like it as I was smiling, it is hard to eat when smiling.

This is how we made the delicious ice cream.
It all started with some cream, sugar and vanilla essence. We had to stir it all in until you couldn't feel the sugar in the cup. Then we poured the cream into the littler jar, we filled the bigger jar with ice and we put the little jar in the bigger jar. Then rolled it for four minutes then stopped for a minute then rolled again and stopped until we had done it five times.Then we left it for five minutes and then ate the ice cream. Jack Lopas

Friday, June 13, 2008

On Tuesday we made bread and it was really yummy and it was good fun making it and we got a photo with the bread. We made it in groups. We all got a bit of dough that we could shape.
Room 2 has been making posters of our favourite books. We had to tell the class the main characters, the author and why it was such a good book. We had about three weeks to finish it. When we were finished we brought them to school and presented them to the class. The class voted which poster what was the best and we got certificates telling us Mrs Smith's scores and comments.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

On Monday we made ice cream. First we put cream and sugar in a jar and mixed it until the sugar dissolved then we put in 2 drops of vanilla essence and put the lid on then we put crushed ice in a larger jar and put the small jar into it. Then we wrapped the jar in a teatowel and rolled it backwards and forwards. After about half an hour our arms were tired but we had some delicious, creamy ice cream to eat for lunch! Jessica
Bread making on Tuesday was lots of fun. There were kids with flour all over their hands. First we mixed the ingredients then we mixed the mixture and put two loaves of bread into the oven.We wanted to make rolls so we decided to share with the other
group so we so could shape our rolls and put them in the oven. After that we got to taste our bread. Rebecca

Monday, June 9, 2008

Last week room 2 made some bread and it was really fun. A few people bought recipes and once the dough was made we got to shape it. We got a little dough each but we did not get as much as the other groups because we had to share with another group. I took a while to decide what to make. First I tried to make a four plait but it didn't work so I made a baby sleeping in a bed but it sort of collapsed in the oven but it was really yummy then we got a photo with our bread and then Mrs smith cut off a little bit for me to try with butter and it was really nice! By Layne
On Tuesday we all went to the Arts Room to make some bread. But first we had to wash our hands. We all had groups to make some bread. Each group had four people. Firstly we read the instructions. When all of the groups had finished, Mrs Smith explained that the t and T stood for teaspoon and Tablespoon. After that we got started! All the groups got their recipe and got mixing the ingredients. Later we got to knead for about ten minutes. Then we were allowed to make the bread into shapes.We baked it and then we ate it with butter. Logan and Angus.
This term we have been exploring Kitchen Science and doing some experiments to see what happens when you heat,cool, microwave and mix things together. One of our experiments was Breadmaking.
